My name is Colomba and I'm 21 years old. I had to choose a picture and talk about it. I used facebook to choose it, and this one was the one that I like the most. In general My best and favorites pictures I have them in my computer at home. But, anyways this is a really nice picture for me and I'm going to explain you why, even if a think that you won't understand me completely, but anyways, I will try.
This picture was taking in 2014 I don't remember exactly in wich month, but I remember the day...sunday. We were celebrating "The Witsunday", that means "White Sunday". Well, I will explain you how I got there. The name of the place that I was living for a while it's called The Mount Camphill Community. This place received people with special needs and voluteers. I was one of the volunteer people. And he is Joshua Stocker, one of the students with special needs or learning difficulties. We live together in the same house. The Mount Camphill Community is a big and beautiful place in the country side, that I hope never to forget.
Joshua didn't get on well whit all the people in the house. We were a lot in my house, like 30 people more than less. But I remember that since the first time that we knew each other we got on well inmediately, just because he was carry on like five films, and one of those films was Madagascar, and because of that we had our first "conversation". But that was a very long time.
This picture was taking by Zjold, another voluteer, he knew a lots about photography. In that moment Joshua was resting and I wanted to make the same position, I don't really know why. The thing is that this pciture I really like. It brings me good memories. Joshua was a very special person. With the time we became friends. He was a bit angry sometimes and not so friendly with others. But, I realized that I had to know him first.
He taught me lots of things about life, and also he made me laugh so many times. I'm very greatful of him and that's why I like this picture, because it reminds me good moments of my past.

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