Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hello again guys!!
Today I'm going to talk about food. Do you like to go out to eat food? or Do you prefer home made food?
I prefer  home made food.

But one of the places that I like to go when we eat out with my family or friends is the chinese food. We used to go to the oriental chinese food. The ubication of this restaurant is in the Reina commune. I like to eat spring rolls, wantanes and rice. I also used to eat meat that was very delecious, but I'm traying not to eat meat.Altough I think it's quite nice when you eat out, because I don't do it everyday and it happend in a special occasion, I prefer home made food, because always to me it's going to be better when you see the person who is cooking for you, like my mom that she does it with all the love that she has, or also when you cook by yourself or with friends, and then you  eat all togheter. I think that's very nice, because in the end it's very important how and the way how you feed yourself.

I remember the last christmas, my sister cooked us (she likes to cook to others, she really enjoys it). She asked us what we wanted to eat for that day. I asked for vegetarian sweet corn pie. She made such a good plates and the dissert was a type of flan that in Chile we called it "leche asada". We all enjoyed a lot.  It was more than delecious. And also it would not have been the same with the people that I ate that day. Like in every meal.


  1. WOW! What a nice time you should have had with your sister! I also prefer home made food cuz I'm also vegetarian and I can cook things I can actually eat!

    Take care!

  2. The unique food that I prefer to eat outside is Pizza. Any other I prefer to eat in my home.

  3. Hello Colomba!
    I prefer to go out to eat, because I dont cook very well :(
    But if my mother or my friends cook I enjoy it, we cook suchi, a lot suchi, jaja we love it, or pizza to. we make the dough.
    Well, I hope you be ok!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nothing compares to the home made food, but it's really difficult to prepare chinese food at home jajaja.
    See you, bye.

  6. Nothing compares to the home made food, but it's really difficult to prepare chinese food at home jajaja.
    See you, bye.

  7. I love food!. I really like home made food too, but there are also some good places at Santiago that have great vegetarian alternatives!
    Maybe someday you can try on it
    See you!
