Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hello classmates I hope you are right. Today we have to talk about the chance of going on a strike after May 21. I will give my opnion of strikes and demostrations. I think strikes happend for some reason. In the present in Chile many things are happening and many strikes and demostration are happening as well (in different places of the country). And that tells us something, doesn't it?. On the other hand I think that this kind of manifestation helps us for realize what is happening, that something is wrong, and lots of people don't know about it. And also helps to make pressure in the enviorment.
I think, strikes have to have a clear purpose and a lot of participation, just with that, it will obtained benefits, otherwise it would not be useful. But this is very difficult. Many times strikes don't have an aim, and of course if you realize things in education, politic, economic and enviorment are not well right now, so in fact we could go on a strike for a very long time, but real changes are not going to come inmediately. So this is very tricky.
We have to be convinced, and being consequent with ourselves. Some people is agree with strikes and after, they don't participate. And why? The thing is... we need to do something to arrange the situation, but is a long strike the solution?


  1. Hey Colomba, you have much reason, there are many people that in the firts moment is agree with the strike, but after never appear in the university or demonstrating. Is sadly... because after we are the most harmed...
    I think that the trike we can how some serious and not only to sleep more in our bed.

  2. I agree with you. I also think that, in terms of participation, political organizations have some of responsability. I'm not against political organizations, but i feel that they want to make personal interests and disturb collective demands. I hope this year it would be different.

  3. Is a very good post. I agree whit you, also I think that the students in the first moments is agree whit the strike, but after the interest disappears... maybe the power of the bed is stronger!

  4. I'm agree with you. You mention something really important: being consecuent is fundamental to make an strong movilization.

  5. I'm gree with you colomba, when you say: I think, strikes have to have a clear purpose and a lot of participation, just with that, it will obtained benefits, otherwise it would not be useful. But this is very difficult" it is true. :)

  6. i'm agree with you, but i have any question
    you ever thought how to motivate students to participate?
    you participate in the mobilization?

